Dec 25th, 2011 | By Citizen X | Category: In BriefBunting says I’m not doing any work for the cause over the holidays, just bothering him as he keeps the torch of the skeleton crew alight in the office. But here I am on Christmas Day wishing everyone who drops by Happy Holidays – and above all else, HAPPY SANTA CLAUS.
Among many other strange things, 2011 has helped me catch up with the globalization of Santa Claus. Part of the logic here was caught last month by a Dominic Berry post on this site , “Santa Claus .. an idea whose time has come .. (in early 21st century ‘CE’).”

Students of Sudarshan sand art institute dressed as Santa Claus create a sand sculpture of Santa Claus on the eve of Christmas at Golden beach of Puri in India. PTI Photo.
For some supplementary thoughts (that may also show Dominic as a bit too pessimistic re the Clausian global future), very quickly, re India see :Â “Santa in the Sand — World’s Largest Sand Sculpture Santa Claus” ; “Students dressed as Santa creating sand sculpture of Santa Claus” ; and “Sand sculpture of Santa Claus creates record.”
Re East Asia, try : “In Taiwan, Christmas is not officially celebrated or legally recognized. However …” ; “Thousands Watch Christmas Eve Parade in Taipei” ; and “South Koreans dressed in Santa Claus costumes participate in a Santa Claus School class …” All this is quite crazy, of course, but … the best thing the playboy of the western world has given the larger global village just may ultimately be the Santa Claus who descends from “St. Nicholas of Myra (now Turkey), a fourth century bishop” and “champion of children and the needy … legendary for his kindness and generosity.” So happy holidays to all … in the spirit of Elvis and Santa Bring My Baby Back To Me.