Archive for September 2014

At the Berkeley Square-Bilbao Conference – our staff hard at work in Western Europe, last half of September

Sep 15th, 2014 | By | Category: In Brief

“This is a big week of big events. Hold onto your socks.” (Frances Horodelski, BNN) “It seems like we’ve just returned from our Walnut Creek Conference in California,” someone among us said the other day. “And now we’re going to another travelling conference in Europe? Does that make a lot of sense? Or any sense […]

Can Harper Conservatives win again in 2015 .. and what will it mean if they do?

Sep 10th, 2014 | By | Category: In Brief

GANATSEKWYAGON, ON. SEPTEMBER 10, 2014. There really are a lot of movie stars in Toronto for the International Film Festival these days. And other celebrities, especially from stateside. And they happily intervene in the local politics. (See, eg : “Jon Stewart pulling for Olivia Chow in mayor’s race” and “Mike Tyson endorses Toronto mayor Rob […]

John Tory front runner in Toronto mayoralty race now … but ??

Sep 6th, 2014 | By | Category: In Brief

All who are worried that Rob Ford might actually be re-elected Mayor of Toronto this coming October 27, 2014 have been able to take fresh courage from the latest Nanos poll on the subject. This involved a telephone survey between August 27 and 31, using a  random sample  of 1,000 Toronto voters. Among those already […]

Canadianizing the Canadian citizenship oath – a still dangling rite of passage in the home and native land

Sep 4th, 2014 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

At the end of the 1864 Quebec conference that forged the constitutional beginnings of the  confederation of 1867 George Brown, founder of the old Toronto Globe and early Canadian Grit/Liberal/Reform political leader, wrote a hasty letter to his wife. He reported : “You will say our constitution is dreadfully Tory –  and it is – […]