Northern Europe (and Russia) in the spring of 2016 .. and further adventures toward a Canadian republic

May 10th, 2016 | By | Category: In Brief

Harold Innis (l), Hans Seyle (c), and Alf Erling Porsild (r) on a trip to Russia, just after the end of the Second World War in 1945. And our thanks to Per Porsild from Hamar, Norway for a correction in the earlier spelling of Alf Erling Porsild’s middle name.

Late in the evening of this coming Wednesday, May 11, the entire office staff here will be boarding an airplane for our semi-regular European conference. We’ll be returning on Thursday, May 26, late in the afternoon.

This time we’re in the north of what a UK series on TV Ontario many years ago called The Mighty Continent.  And managing editor MacDonald has commissioned Citizen X to prepare his usual full report when we return. We’ll all be attending seminars and so forth, of course, hearing the latest about the fate of humanity. So it won’t just be one big party.

Meanwhile, we’re urging anyone who might be interested to check out the exciting new crowd-funding campaign “Canada doesn’t need a king!”  We continue to believe that becoming a parliamentary democratic republic within the Commonwealth of Nations and La francophonie is the next logical thing to do in the current Canadian free and democratic society. (Such places as India, Ireland, Trinidad & Tobago, and even the far northern state of Iceland provide already tried and tested “Westminster models” of just how to go about doing the historic deed.)

The dedicated team behind the exciting new “Canada doesn't need a king!” campaign, posing before bust of historic Canadian democratic reformer William Lyon Mackenzie, on the grounds of the Ontario Parliament Buildings in Toronto. From left to right: Ron Berdusco, Jeanne MacDonald, Tony O'Donohue, Ashok Charles, Wayne Adam, Randall White, Marc Cormier.

Citizen X’s report on “Northern Europe (and Russia) in the spring of 2016” will be published some time during the week of May 30. And we look forward to getting reacquainted with everyone who’s interested then. Meanwhile again, best wishes to all, as the long hot summer of the trumpet looms. And those of us who already live in Canada start to realize that we’re going to have to do something about our own northern North American manifest destiny soon. Vive le Canada libre!

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