Walking through the last nine months of 2019 with our favourite counterweights articles (& fate of next chapter in “Democracy in Canada Since 1497”)
Dec 21st, 2019 | By Counterweights Editors | Category: In Brief
We’ve already noted our favourite counterweights articles for the first three months of this year (in “Six from the 6ix in early snow as 2019 winds down : Impeachment, Throne Speech, 1st Quarter, Birdhop at last”). We’re now ready to cover the final nine months.
(And at the end of this we’ll also have a very brief report on the fate of the next chapter in Randall White’s current work in progress, tentatively entitled Children of the Global Village : Democracy in Canada Since 1497. We’ve spent much of 2019 waiting for his chapter on 1976—1992, so we can add it to “The Long Journey to a Canadian Republic” on the bar at the top above.)
More exactly, our favourite pieces for each of the last nine months of 2019 are :
SEPTEMBER : “Are Prince Andrew and even Prince Charles really suited to their current symbolic roles in Canada’s Constitution?”
OCTOBER : “A ‘Pearsonian Liberal’ minority government, facing some big challenges but still with Justin Trudeau as PM”
NOVEMBER : “Autumn leaves 2019 : watching US, UK, Canada from the northwest shore of the smallest North American Great Lake”

DECEMBER : “Six from the 6ix in early snow as 2019 winds down : Impeachment, Throne Speech, 1st Quarter, Birdhop at last”
As for the next chapter of Randall White’s Children of the Global Village : Democracy in Canada Since 1497 he has just now promised that it will be ready before the end of this year!
He explains that this has been an unusually challenging chapter – dealing with such deep issues as Canada’s new Constitution Act, 1982 and the persistence of unresolved Canadian constitutional issues with the failure of the Charlottetown Accord in 1992.
This, the author urges, has also been a year when (like others among us) he has been working on too many other projects. (See, eg, “The 2019 UK Election and Ontario’s More Diverse Future.”)
In any event, Dr. White has now promised. And we look forward to posting the final draft of Part IV, chapter 2 on “New Constitution and New Continentalism, 1976—1992,” before the possibly still more unsettling 2020 new year begins.