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You expect me to believe that (notes from northern North America as the pandemic hopefully subsides) ????

Jun 29th, 2021 | By | Category: In Brief

SPECIAL FROM DOMINIC BERRY, MAN ABOUT MAIN STREET, GRAND BEND, ON. JUNE 29, 2021. It’s been hot enough here lately. But not quite like : “Extreme heat warnings remain in place over much of Western Canada as a historic heat wave that has shattered 103 all-time heat records across BC, Alberta, Yukon and NWT moves […]

Does COVID-19 have anything to do with international and regional financial centres/centers, etc … etc?

May 18th, 2020 | By | Category: In Brief

It is not easy to be humourous about COVID-19. But that is my assignment here and I will try, more or less. (While still being half-serious between the lines … maybe?) My point of departure is a May 13, 2020 article in the venerable UK publication NewStatesman, by Jerome Roos who “teaches political economy at […]

Does murder in Alice Munro country say something larger on troubled times?

Jan 22nd, 2019 | By | Category: Crime Stories

A man’s gruesome rape and kidnapping of his ex-girlfriend, just after his murder of her parents, should make a gripping old-school crime drama in any context. At the same time, I have been told that I haven’t personally contributed a crime story to this site for more than a decade (“Depression economics and crime : […]

Grey Cup 2018 : red and black will triumph, whoever wins in Canadian regulation time

Nov 24th, 2018 | By | Category: Sporting Life

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2018. GANATSEKWYAGON,ON. Both Donald Trump in the neighbouring USA today, and his wily colleague Doug Ford right here in the new Old Ontario, have become so appalling lately that I have sought refuge in thoughts about the 2018 Grey Cup – annual championship of the Canadian Football League, held for the 106th […]

If “good fences make good neighbours,” would Trump’s southern border wall make better neighbours of Mexico & USA?

Jun 26th, 2018 | By | Category: USA Today

I agreed with a lot in  Masha Gessen’s Friday, June 22 column for The New Yorker : “Trump’s Opponents Aren’t Arguing for ‘Open Borders’–But Maybe They Should.” It fits with the “global village” that the Edmonton-born Marshall McLuhan began to talk about in the 1960s. And this has come to echo loudly in the now […]

Seven steps to heaven on the Toronto jazz scene in January 2018 …

Jan 3rd, 2018 | By | Category: Entertainment

[UPDATED JANUARY 10]. What are some options for dropping by the Rex Jazz & Blues bar in Toronto in the first month of this perhaps fateful year 2018? Which of the scheduled groups would you most like to hear? Those asking these poignant questions also promised that if we did go to any of these […]

“Toronto, I just want to say … this is the greatest city in the world” – the double football championship of 2017

Dec 12th, 2017 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

Football means one thing in North America, and another in the rest of the world. (And even just North America north of the Rio Bravo/Rio Grande. There’s also Australian Rules Football, I guess, but that’s … well … something completely different.) In the late fall of 2017, as it happens, Toronto, ON, Canada has won […]

Ave atque vale Hugh Hefner : “one of a handful of people who most represent the sexual revolution” .. maybe ??

Sep 29th, 2017 | By | Category: In Brief

Like others, no doubt, I haven’t looked at a copy of Playboy magazine for a great many years. And I never subscribed or otherwise read the articles (or looked at the photos) regularly. But for a time in the late 1950s and 1960s, it was something young men my age were expected to know about […]

Memories of Gerry Mulligan and other time travelers in the strange North American summer of 2017

Jul 15th, 2017 | By | Category: Entertainment

At last we have summer in the city 2017 up here on the northwest shore of the most easterly great lake (well, sort of …). Back from a short communion with early July mosquitoes further north, I somehow bumped into a YouTube clip called “Paul Desmond & Gerry Mulligan – Stardust.” As happens in the […]

Northern lights on US election V : does Comey’s latest announcement cancel Bill Maher’s right-wing coup?

Nov 7th, 2016 | By | Category: In Brief

GANATSEKWYAGON, ON. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2 AM. The phone rang. It was the doctor. “You’re supposed to be the humour guy,” he said. “Do something humourous about this US election. It’s killing us.” He went on : “I watched Bill Maher Friday night. President Obama – just on tape but of course impressive. Then a […]