Ottawa Scene

Change in Ottawa : an election if necessary but not necessarily an election?

Jan 19th, 2008 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

UPDATED JANUARY 22. Like others up here in the land of ice and snow, we were mostly waiting for the (somewhat disappointing?) next installment of the US Democratic primaries at the Nevada caucuses on Saturday, January 19. But back home there’s also John Manley’s report on Canada’s future role in the NATO Afghanistan mission on January […]

Happy holidays Canada from the House Ethics Committee .. leave the rest to historians

Dec 16th, 2007 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

The Canadian House of Commons Ethics Committee delivered the best possible holiday gift to the people of Canada as it closed down for the House’s seasonal vacation at the end of this past week. For the moment at least, our peace and goodwill will not be further distracted by any more sordid revelations about Brian […]

Are Dion Liberals dead ducks .. and why isnt PM Harper doing a lot better if they are?

Jul 31st, 2007 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

Some would say it is hard to think of another time in living memory when the fortunes of the once mighty Liberal Party of Canada looked bleaker than they do in the summer of 2007. The party’s late 20th century godfather Pierre Trudeau has just “topped an Internet poll as the worst Canadian.” And the […]

Senate reform showdown in Ottawa .. only Canadian humour can save us now ..

Jun 10th, 2007 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

When something called the Anaheim Ducks beats the Ottawa Senators for the Stanley Cup in five games, you know that NHL hockey has definitively lost its luster as the great Canadian distinction. It may be that Canada will have to start relying instead on its more recent status as the home and native land of […]

Indexing Stephen Harper .. man from new west and old Canada (and empire on which sun never set)?

May 25th, 2007 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

“Your country as much as this country,” Prime Minister Stephen Harper told Canada’s brave soldiers, during his latest surprise visit to Afghanistan, “owes you a debt of gratitude and its unwavering support.” And with these words he summarized for some Canadians why he does not deserve to win a majority government in the next federal […]

What’s going on in Ottawa now .. while ho-hum and quiet revolutions breed across the land?

Apr 27th, 2007 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

Two new polls on federal party standings have confirmed recent instincts about the essential dead-calm in the cross-Canada political mood. Another election soon would probably just put the same people back in the same seats as last year’s election. And that may definitively banish all further fevered election speculation at least until the fall. What […]

The Stephen Harper mystery .. will the real new Prime Minister of Canada stand up?

Feb 24th, 2007 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

As February 2007 heads into its last wintry days, Stephen Harper has been the new Conservative minority prime minister of Canada for just over a year. And for at least the past few weeks he has seemed to be doing almost alarmingly well. Then, very recently, he has also been reminding many Canadian people yet […]

Why the Liberals should back Canadian Senate reform .. but of course they wont

Feb 13th, 2007 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

In the continuing strange universe of Canadian federal politics a Leger poll of 1,500 voters from January 30 to February 4 has now shown 38% Conservatives and 31% Liberals. A “Leger poll two weeks earlier had put the Conservatives at 35% and the Liberals at 32%.” If this kind of trend settles in, Stephane Dion’s […]

The new war over the environment in Canada .. can this really be progress?

Feb 2nd, 2007 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

Barack Obama, it was claimed somewhere on TV during the past few weeks, has aptly bemoaned that the problems of America today are so big, and its politics so small. In Canada we sometimes imagine that we are at least accidentally immune to the worst troubles of this sort. (Nothing up here, beyond the raw […]

Where is Canada going .. does Pierre Trudeau’s new grandson have anything to do with it?

Jan 5th, 2007 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2007. The Globe and Mail‘s news of the birth of Pierre- Emmanuel Trudeau, “two weeks ago in a Montreal hospital,” has a perhaps appropriate certain formality to it. Now we the Canadian people know, in any case, that the son of Alexandre Trudeau and Zoe Bedos was born on December 22, 2006. […]