Ottawa Scene

Stephane Dion is new Liberal Party of Canada leader .. what happens now?

Dec 2nd, 2006 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

MONTREAL. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2. 7:00 PM ET. The wide-open Liberal Party of Canada leadership convention focused more quickly than many were predicting. This morning’s second ballot results came in at: Michael Ignatieff – 31.6% ; Bob Rae – 24.1% ; Stephane Dion – 20.8% ; Gerard Kennedy -18.8% ; Ken Dryden – 4.7%. On the rules of the game Ken […]

New fractured scene in Ottawa .. Canadians should just get used to it?

Oct 19th, 2006 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

It is a certainty that the American people will be voting this coming November 7. And who knows what wonders may be wrought? But the latest gurglings from Ottawa suggest that the Canadian people could be waiting quite a while longer. (And seeing that the last Canadian federal election was less than nine months ago, […]

Canadian Thanksgiving 2006 .. what does the eclectic identity of this country mean?

Oct 10th, 2006 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

Canadian thanksgiving, up north where the leaves fall from the trees earlier in the colder weather, is not quite the national holiday it is several weeks later in the USA. But this year we have at least had some reminders of just how confusing what Prime Minister Stephen Harper has just called the “unique history […]

Liberal leadership race in Canada .. rolling update and autopsy on super weekend 2006

Oct 2nd, 2006 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2006. 10:30 AM. [OCTOBER 3 UPDATE AND RESULTS AS OF OCTOBER 5 ADDED]. With more than 85% of the so-called super-weekend results calculated for convention delegates in the Canadian federal Liberal leadership race, Michael Ignatieff enjoys a tidy if far from overwhelming lead. Bob Rae is in a clear second place, with Gerard Kennedy and […]

Last of the summer wine .. who’s hottest: Paris Hilton or Beyonce Knowles?

Aug 29th, 2006 | By | Category: Entertainment, Ottawa Scene

With the serious summer of 2006 now in its very last gasps it is time for a concluding burst of wild abandon, before settling back into the post-Labour-Day grind. And I have been asked to (briefly) discuss who is the hottest – Paris Hilton or Beyonc Knowles? Other names could be added. Osama bin Laden […]

Summer attack of neo-Trudeaumania .. all just a sign of perfect storm to come?

Jul 15th, 2006 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

Some will ask why? During the second full week of July 2006 both Trudeau brothers were in the Canadian news. Justin is about to start a new acting career. And Alexandre is going to become a father (having first met the mother in question through his new sister-in-law, Sophie Gregoire). Others will say that paid […]

C+ for Stephen Harper so far : the sleeping Frankenstein of Senate reform

Jun 25th, 2006 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

The CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) is slyly asking people to grade new minority Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s first five months in office, on what passes in English-speaking Canada for national TV. In our book Mr. Harper himself could be graded as high as C+. Whatever else, he has at least tried to gain ground […]

Liberal leadership race in Canada .. better than it looks at first glance?

May 22nd, 2006 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

There have been more than a few big surprises in Canadian federal politics over the past year. And, as unlikely as it may seem at the moment, the current Liberal leadership race could prove surprising too. Just how bad the Ontario-dominated crop of 11 “B-team” contenders looks depends on how you see the main objective […]

Why the rush on Canada’s Afghanistan extension?

May 16th, 2006 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

UPDATE. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 11 PM ET. The duly elected federal Parliament did not get around to voting on the Harper minority government’s sudden surprise motion to extend Canada’s current mission in Afghanistan for another two years until shortly after 10 PM Ottawa time this evening. But in the end, as the Globe and Mail […]

Mild right-wing coup in Ottawa .. truthiness at last in Stephen Harper’s first budget

May 3rd, 2006 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

It turns out that there’s not much to say about the first budget of Stephen Harper’s new Conservative minority government in Canada. Except that it does seem to definitively betray the clear but limited extent of the 2006 right-wing coup north of the unfortified border. For the intricate details of who gets what, and not, consult such reliable sources […]