Written by Citizen X
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Just when it seemed that the encouraging, moderate, and essentially rational new Islamic democracy in Turkey might be about to blow apart, wiser heads have prevailed. And there are at least some fresh grounds for hope about the future of the troubled global village today. Headlines from more or less around the world tell the story: From the Globe and Mail in Canada — "Turkey's governing party narrowly avoids ban ... Ruling strikes balance between country's radical secularists and AKP's moderate Islamic constituency" ; from The Australian — "Turkey's ruling party escapes court ban ... Turkey stepped back from the brink of political turmoil yesterday when the ruling party narrowly escaped closure over its alleged Islamist tendencies" ; from the Los Angeles Times — "Turkey court decides against ban on ruling AKP party ... Turkey's highest court Wednesday decided against outlawing the ruling party, which had been accused of attempting to advance an Islamist agenda in officially secular Turkey"; and finally from Hurriyet in Turkey itself: "Turkish court's decision a warning for ruling party, it's now AKP's turn ... Constitutional Court ... verdict is a serious warning that could spark ... problem for the ruling party's image." (And if I can be allowed my own brief editorial comment: I'm happy that the good vibes I thought I felt on the streets of Istanbul and Izmir this past fall were not entirely unreal — three cheers for Turkish civility and common sense.)
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Thursday, 04 September 2008
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