Wednesday, 07 September 2005
The lovely Sophie Gregoire, aka Mme Justin Trudeau, has now joined the CTV entertainment program ETalk Daily. She will serve as Quebec correspondent for the show, which is about to begin its fourth season. And she will work alongside host Ben Mulroney.
No word so far on whether Sophie Gregoire will also be keeping her job as a personal shopper for the Holt Renfrew store in Montreal. But in what other country of the world would the daughter-in-law and son of two former national leaders from rival political parties (Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney, in case you've forgotten) wind up selling gossip together on TV?
Politics really must be the Canadian disease ... er, passion ... Meanwhile, remember Sophie Gregoire's and Justin Trudeau's wedding ... earlier this year in Montreal ... which they left in Pierre Trudeau's old Mercedes, only recently restored at a hot (or is it cool?) body shop on Canada's Pacific coast, in beautiful BC ...
and for more on the new Mme Justin Trudeau see the latest counterweights article
The Quiet Evolution of Sophie Gregoire

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