Posts Tagged ‘ Abacus Data ’

Sovereignty Smith in Wild Rose Country & Trudeau Liberals/Singh NDP (& what the people think after much-loved Queen)

Sep 8th, 2022 | By | Category: In Brief

ONTARIO TONITE. RANDALL WHITE, FERNWOOD PARK, TORONTO, THURS SEP 8, 2022. [UPDATED SEP 10]. As the new fall cultural season begins, I seem to be contemplating two confusing but nonetheless intriguing stories in the news of the day/week/month etc : (1) Lieut. Gov. Salma Lakhani & Danielle “Sovereignty” Smith in Wild Rose Country (and then […]

New polls suggest Ontario election could be more interesting than we thought?

Jan 22nd, 2022 | By | Category: In Brief

ONTARIO TONITE. RANDALL WHITE, FERNWOOD PARK, TORONTO, 22 JANUARY 2022. [UPDATED JANUARY 24]. With the June 2, 2022 Ontario election almost within eyesight pollsters have been getting restless. Five different polls have recently appeared, nicely summarized on January 20 by the excellent Polling Canada @CanadianPolling. The short message of the five polls taken together is […]

Canada’s new finance minister tells it like it is (just after National Review attacks “Disgraceful Endgame” down south)

Dec 2nd, 2020 | By | Category: In Brief

FROM THE COUNTERWEIGHTS EDITORS, GANATSEKWYAGON, ON. WED 2 DEC 2020 : The main focus of our November 30 gathering was federal finance minister Chrystia Freeland’s economic and fiscal update for the Government of Canada – on cable news TV at or about 4 PM, direct from the Canadian House of Commons in Ottawa. The Government […]

Why “Gone Fishing” still seems the most sensible response to the midsummer madness of the WE imbroglio in Ottawa

Jul 31st, 2020 | By | Category: In Brief

EMAIL FROM CITIZEN X, OLD SANDY COVE, ON : Marie-Danielle Smith at Maclean’s has published two different accounts of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s unusual appearance before the Finance Committee of the Canadian House of Commons yesterday. One – the more drearily conventional (and overly rhetorical) – is called : “Three key takeaways from Justin Trudeau’s […]

Black and red genius Charles Parker Jr may yet redeem USA (and Canada too)!

Jun 16th, 2020 | By | Category: Entertainment

CW EDITORS : The summer is in sight. We have just a few quick things to say, before settling down to a more rigorous holiday schedule of (more) regular (more brief) reporting in these fascinating and intermittently near-overwhelming times. (That at least is the plan.) To start with, while diverse protests for equality and freedom […]

How about Abacus Data’s latest thoughts on Canadian federal election October 21, 2019 : “A Tale of Two (Or More) Races”?

Sep 6th, 2019 | By | Category: In Brief

Bruce Anderson and David Coletto at Abacus Data have come up with (I think) an especially helpful and interesting take on the October 21 Canadian federal election, in reporting on their latest “national survey of 4,549 Canadians, completed on August 28.” (The Anderson and Coletto report is dated September 5.) They start by noting that, […]

Can Justin Trudeau be defeated Oct 21, 2019 (& what do Lester Pearson and early Pierre Trudeau say) ??

Dec 27th, 2018 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

One counterweights item from the year now ending that has seen fresh visits in the most recent past is Randall White’s “Can Justin Trudeau be defeated in the next Canadian federal election?,” first posted back on May 8, 2018. In the new age of fixed-date elections (sort of) the campaign for the 43rd Canadian federal […]