Posts Tagged ‘ BC election 2013 ’

Staying up late for the BC election back east .. and yet another big surprise!

May 14th, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2013. GANATSEKWYAGON, ON.  So …  here back east (well at least on the north shore of the most easterly of the North American Great Lakes, in anglophone Central Canada), we have only recently passed from May 14 to May 15. But already it seems that the current Western Canada Provincial Politics Syndrome […]

Who’s just playing politics in Ontario now (and/or BC)?

Apr 30th, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

[UPDATED MAY 3]. Some say the alleged Oakville gas-plant “revelations” of Ontario Power Authority chief executive Colin Andersen before a Queen’s Park legislative committee today bring an Ontario spring election close enough for jazz. And who knows? They may be right. (Although listening to Andrea Horwath’s jousting with scandal-mongering media just before noon made us […]

Victoria Toronto – tales of two Canadian provincial elections, maybe

Apr 29th, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

There is a side to Ontario, you might say, that channels Nova Scotia. Another side channels Quebec (the “sister province,” as Bill Davis liked to put it), and another side channels Alberta. Still another side channels beautiful British Columbia. And this side may have the strongest implications for the Canadian future right now. In any […]