Posts Tagged ‘ Bill C-7 ’

Does anyone really care about the Harper government’s Supreme Court reference on Senate reform in Canada?

Feb 1st, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

[UPDATED FEBRUARY 2]. Unlike many of its other actions, the Harper government’s longstanding plans for what used to be known as step-by-step reform of the unreformed Senate of Canada have been broadly supported on this site since their beginnings, many, many moons ago. (For just a few recent cases in point, see “Three strikes and […]

PM Harper : Senate reform “much slower than I’d hoped, but … we’ll continue to push it forward”

Jul 20th, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

Somehow it seems right to be thinking about Senate reform in Canada in the dead of summer. Like almost everything else this time of year in the true north strong and free, it seems quite agreeable (to some of us at any rate) but not entirely serious. (It will not last, etc, etc.) What is […]