Posts Tagged ‘ Brexit ’

August for the people 2017 : two top 10 lists Canada & global village +

Aug 23rd, 2017 | By | Category: In Brief

TORONTO. AUGUST 22, 2017. It has been a strange-weather summer in the city this year. Right now we’re waiting for yet more rain. (I spoke too soon. It has just come. And now the question is : when will it come again? Can we go for coffee later, across from the park?) Meanwhile, it is […]

Ho ho ho : our Top 10 reports 2Q 2016 & Dominic Berry on metro news & the Sparrow on ex-Blue Jay Edwin

Dec 23rd, 2016 | By | Category: In Brief

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2016. TORONTO, CANADA. The legendary arrival of Santa Claus is now a very few days away. Our esteemed colleague Dominic Berry took a trip downtown yesterday on the Queen streetcar for some last minute shopping – at HMV on Yonge Street and the Indigo bookstore in the Eaton Centre. The trip takes […]

Golden State waves goodbye : ‘Calexit’ movement’s a joke that’s become almost serious with Trump election?

Nov 14th, 2016 | By | Category: In Brief

You’ve of course already heard of “Brexit” – Britain leaves (exits) the European Union. (And this is something that’s already happening, in one degree or another. See, eg, the excellent Scottish journalist and writer Neal Ascherson on “England prepares to leave the world.”) If you live north of the “unfortified” northern US border, you may […]

Hieronymus Bosch back in land of free .. Commonwealth down .. Canada as US backdoor to Europe

Sep 22nd, 2016 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

Back in the middle of this past March 2016 my esteemed colleague Citizen X was telling us : “The wisest thing I’ve come across on the American presidential primaries lately urges that 2016 so far is ‘democracy as depicted by Hieronymus Bosch’” (from the Huffington Post’s “Top 12 Reasons This Is The Most Depressing Election […]