Posts Tagged ‘ Canadian election 2011 seat projections ’

Will Canada be in a black hole no matter what happens on May 2?

Apr 20th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

The Canadian federal election of 2011 started with a lot of wild talk about reckless coalitions. And with a mere 11 days to go now, it’s starting to seem as if that’s how it may end too. It may or may not be a good sign that the imagery has developed somewhat over the past […]

Canadian federal election 2011 at mid-campaign .. Harper if necessary, but not necessarily a Harper government?

Apr 14th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

Now that both the English and French TV leaders’ debates are over, some two and a half weeks remain in the 2011 Canadian federal election campaign. And according to Chantal Hébert in the Toronto Star: “Debates keep Harper on road to majority.” At the same time, a Postmedia News report in the Vancouver Sun offers […]