Posts Tagged ‘ Canadian Liberals ’

Donolo diaries, Byers ceasefire proposal, and Michael Ignatieff, anti-monarchist

Nov 8th, 2009 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

These are not easy days for aspiring progressive voters in Canadian federal politics, at the edge of four by-elections that actually will happen on Monday, November 9. According to the October 29 EKOS poll, eg: “Stephen Harper’s federal Conservatives lead the second-place Liberals by a double-digit margin for the fourth week in a row, suggesting […]

Is end of Canadian Liberals’ long ride as natural governing party at hand, at last?

Oct 21st, 2009 | By | Category: In Brief

[UPDATED OCTOBER 22]. Yesterday Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff told reporters that “we won’t support the government but, at the same time, we won’t try to defeat the government each time” the opportunity arises either. Or, the “Liberals will have at least three more opposition days before Christmas but … they won’t use those days to […]