Posts Tagged ‘ Canadian politics ’

Our own sleazy Canadian “robocall imbroglio” has not gone away yet

Mar 1st, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

So, people are asking me (well some people anyway), “have you changed your mind about THE current big issue in Ottawa since your post this past Sunday (‘Catching up with false robocalls rising in 2011 Canadian federal election’)?” My short answer, for what it’s worth, is I still don’t know – and I suppose I […]

Catching up with false robocalls rising in 2011 Canadian federal election ..

Feb 26th, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

Sunday, February 26, 2010, at the edge of a great lake in the northern North American wilderness. Waiting for Oscar, looking in on the NDP federal leadership debate in Winnipeg (thank you CPAC) … and, despite my better judgment, finally starting to wonder about the May 2, 2011 robocalls election scandal (or whatever it is) […]

Federal NDP membership surge undercuts Harper Conservative claim as voice of region in Western Canada

Feb 22nd, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

[UPDATED FEBRUARY 23]. It is now a mere 30 days to the big New Democratic Party of Canada leadership vote, on March 24, 2012 – at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Building, 222 Bremner Blvd. (Not the nicest address in Canada’s most hated city, but close to the lake in case a need arises […]

If Rob Ford really is a “spent force” in Toronto, does that mean at least something for Stephen Harper too?

Feb 2nd, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

As we note in our latest update of our “Streetcar Named Rob Ford” feature, the Toronto Star resident urbanologist  Christopher Hume recently declared that :  “Just a year into his term, three left to go, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is a spent force.” We think ourselves that this is something of an exaggeration – though […]

Is Nathan Cullen the conscience of New Democrat race in Canada?

Jan 30th, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

Anyone who has been talking even a little to NDP friends and colleagues won’t be surprised to hear that, at the party’s Sunday, January 29 federal leadership debate in Halifax, Nathan Cullen came under some heavy fire, “over his plan to hold joint nomination meetings with other parties in Conservative-held ridings to avoid splitting the […]

Is Mulcair taking the lead in federal NDP race (and will Crawley be new Liberal Party of Canada President)?

Jan 10th, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

[UPDATED JANUARY 18]. The main event in Canadian progressive politics this week is the biennial convention of the federal Liberals in Ottawa – Friday, January 13 to Sunday, January 15.  Our first big hope here is that the Grits in their wisdom vote YES for resolution 114 : “Canadian Identity in the 21st Century … […]

Will showing the left how to co-operate be Ontario’s new role in confederation?

Jan 5th, 2012 | By | Category: Canadian Provinces

Six recent articles, mostly but not entirely from the Globe and Mail, raise some provocative prospects about Ontario’s changing role in the Canadian confederation: “Ontario Liberals brace for a tumultuous year” (Adam Radwanski) ; “Flaherty’s corporate-tax plan hits stumbling block in Ontario” (Bill Curry) ; “Saving John McCallum’s seat will be true measure of Liberal […]

Best of counterweights 2011 D : our top 10 issues today, 2009-2011 .. and why is Canada only 23rd happiest in world?

Dec 30th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

If Google Analytics is to be believed – and it no doubt is, in some significant enough degree – the majority of visitors to this site arrive via “Search Engines,” looking for information on specific issues or subjects. We also have a discriminating flow of “Direct Traffic” and “Referring Sites,” which we value very highly […]

Best of counterweights 2011 C : Aboriginal peoples of Canada, 2005-2011 .. and btw have you met Andy Radia yet?

Dec 28th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

We are of course far from alone in our view of 2011 as a hinge of fate. Here, eg, is Bloomberg Business Week on the subject: “Rampaging natural catastrophes, global financial calamities, the deaths of despots and desperados, the passing of America’s greatest modern technical innovator and roiling protests that shook the Arab world and […]

Best of counterweights 2011 A : Politics, economics, and philosophy in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and Beyond

Dec 20th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

On various scores 2011 seems to at least most of us here to have been one of those years that actually can be seriously described as a hinge of fate (well … more or less). And so over the past few weeks everyone in the office or otherwise attached to this somewhat crazed but still […]