Posts Tagged ‘ Canadian politics ’

The “strong republican streak among Canadians” today will still be there when William and Catherine go home!

Jul 4th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

As the Ottawa Citizen has just noted, “opinion surveys have long uncovered a strong republican streak among Canadians.” So what are those of us who do not at all care for the British monarchy in Canada to make of the great flood of commentary on the monarchy’s Canadian future, induced by the current North American […]

Saying yes to Canada by voting no … two cheers for the death of the TMX-LSE merger deal

Jun 29th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

Shortly before 1 PM ET today it was announced that the “proposed merger of the TMX Group Inc. with the London Stock Exchange Group PLC is dead.” As explained by the official TMX statement: “TMX Group Inc. has agreed with London Stock Exchange Group plc (LSEG) to terminate their merger agreement … A majority of […]

What if Canadian Senate reform also became a way of recognizing Québécois nation in a united Canada?

Jun 27th, 2011 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

Last Tuesday, June 21, 2011, the new Harper majority government’s Bill C7, the Senate Reform Act, had its first reading – not all that long, as it turned out, before the new 41st Parliament of Canada (following “the longest filibuster in Canadian history over back-to-work legislation”) – ran for the exits and the annual summer […]

Hooray for Bollywood .. in the 64% of Toronto, Canada that is still not part of the 2011 Tory last gasp!

Jun 23rd, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

According to  Daryl Bruce, a self-confessed “avid royal watcher since the wedding of Prince Andrew to Sarah,” a “source in the Prime Minister’s Office” has “told the Canadian media” that the upcoming local tour of William and Catherine “could go a long way to cementing the monarchy in Canada for a new generation in the […]

Here’s one former NDP voter who remains sceptical about returning to the fold, for the time being at least

Jun 20th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

According to back-of-the-envelope calculations I have just made, I cast my first democratic ballot in the Ontario provincial election of October 17, 1967. I did not know where my local polling station was, but I did know the NDP candidate’s campaign office. I went there to ask where to go to lose my electoral virginity […]

Is there any hope at all for a 2011 common sense revolution on tax cuts?

Jun 16th, 2011 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

According to Martin Regg Cohn, in “Ontario’s political air war – the battle of the campaign ads … launched during the final game of the hockey season” last night, the Tim Hudak Conservatives’ mindless “anti-tax commercial” (part of  “a wave of new commercials blasting [Ontario Premier Dalton] McGuinty as ‘The Tax Man’”) won first prize. […]

Harper majority government’s new Senate reform adventures starting to look just too absurd?

Jun 16th, 2011 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

[UPDATED JUNE 20]. More than two weeks ago, the lovely Althia Raj warned that trouble for the latest Stephen Harper step by step Senate reform adventures was brewing among the new Tory majority in the unreformed Senate of Canada itself (“Conservative senators balking at Senate reform agenda: sources”). Now a fresh wave of similar reports […]

Another miniature long-winded dissertation on why Canadian Senate reform remains crucial, despite all the arguments against it!

Jun 11th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

Senate reform has been in the Canadian news again this past week. And – even with the new Harper Conservative majority in the elected “lower house” of Parliament –  the sceptical bottom line is don’t hold your breath. Jeffrey Simpson concluded his latest shot in this dark forest with: “The Senate can’t be unilaterally abolished […]

Democracy in North America, then and now : Bateson, Brigitte DePape, Haislip, Mead, and Michael Moore

Jun 8th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

[UPDATED JUNE 9, 12]. So US progressive documentarian Michael Moore feels former unreformed Senate of Canada page Brigette DePape’s ejection from the fabled Red Chamber with her ”Stop Harper” stop sign facsimile last Friday was “an iconic moment for Canada.” He goes on: “Moore said a functioning democracy should ‘encourage you to be disrespectful, to […]

What happens to Ontario Liberals this October could be more important for Liberal Party of Canada than Bob Rae?

Jun 6th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

They don’t take up much space in the 41st Parliament of Canada, which has just begun a very short housekeeping session, before fleeing for the traditional summer break. The future of the once high and mighty federal Liberals after their massacre this past May 2 nonetheless continues to attract attention. Among key current written texts […]