Posts Tagged ‘ Canadian politics ’

Could emerging new political Iggy be closer to holy grail than we think?

Jan 20th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

This coming Sunday, January 23 will mark the fifth anniversary of the 2006 Canadian federal election that first brought the Harper Conservative minority government to office. And Mr. Harper himself apparently thinks there is a “50-50 chance of election this year” (nudge, nudge, wink, wink, as they used to say on Monty Python). If there […]

Why John A. Macdonald can never be Canada’s George Washington

Jan 17th, 2011 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

This past Tuesday, January 11, was John A. Macdonald’s birthday (and, intriguingly enough, also Jean Chrétien’s). Macdonald, in case you’ve forgotten (as almost half those Canadians consulted in a 2001 survey had) was the first prime minister of the present confederation in Canada – and remains “the only Canadian Prime Minister to win six majority […]

What’s going on with the Canadian economy (does anyone really know)?

Jan 11th, 2011 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

It is probably quite politically clever that “Conservative MPs will soon be asking their constituents for advice on what to do about the economy … Prime Minister Stephen Harper has sent a letter to the Tory caucus asking each MP to proactively seek out ideas on the next phase of the government’s economic action plan.” […]

Will Con-NDP “coalition” be big Ottawa surprise of 2011?

Jan 3rd, 2011 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

Just for starters, if there is not going to be a Canadian federal election this year at least one of the three opposition parties will have to vote with the Harper Conservative minority government on the budget “expected to be brought down in March.”Â  Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff “says he wants to see the budget […]

2010: the year Stephen Harper finally got his majority .. in the unreformed Senate of Canada!

Dec 22nd, 2010 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

End-of-the-year assessments are already creeping into the news – and no doubt with good enough reason. (It is, after all, already December 22.) As I contemplate my own thoughts on one of the key subjects pursued in this space, I find myself wanting to say that, in my darker moments, I sometimes think 2010 may […]

Holiday political polls in Canada … anyone with vision comes to this decision – don’t make up your mind!

Dec 16th, 2010 | By | Category: In Brief

[UPDATED MARCH 30, 2011]. Ira Gershwin’s lyrics to the Kurt Weill tune, “The Saga of Jenny,” from the 1941 Broadway musical Lady in the Dark, has some appropriate seasonal allusions in 2010: “Jenny made her mind up when she was three / She herself was going to trim the Christmas tree / Christmas Eve she […]

The Canadian federal election of 2011 .. truth or dare?

Dec 13th, 2010 | By | Category: In Brief

[UPDATED DECEMBER 17, JANUARY 24, 31, FEBRUARY 16, MARCH 4, 9, 16, 23, 25, 28, 30, MAY 3]. Staggering “home from a seemingly endless succession of Christmas parties” in Ottawa, John Ibbitson reports: “If conventional wisdom, that most dubious of sources, is to be believed, the 40th Parliament is not long for this world. Shortly […]

Canadian Navy already has a good name

Dec 6th, 2010 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

History, T.S. Eliot from St. Louis wrote long ago, has “many cunning passages” – even in places like Canada. Some radical populists who lived in Western Canada two or three generations ago would be aghast if they knew that some alleged radical populists in Western Canada today are trying to promote the ancient eastern cause […]

“Representation by population” DOA in Canada yet again?

Dec 3rd, 2010 | By | Category: In Brief

UPDATED DECEMBER 4: The big Ottawa mystery this Friday afternoon in early December is whether John Ibbitson was right, when he reported yesterday on the Globe and Mail website (appearing in the print edition this morning), that: “The Harper government and the opposition parties have agreed to quietly sink legislation [aka Bill C-12] that would […]

Do Ford in Toronto and Fantino in Vaughan mean a new blue tide will sweep Ontario in next federal election?

Dec 1st, 2010 | By | Category: In Brief

The Canadian Press has nicely captured the combined impacts of at least one (or two?) of this past Monday’s three federal by-elections, and today’s inauguration of the new conservative municipal regime in Canada’s current largest big city.  And there is at least some method to our rocket-science madness in summarizing the CP report from the […]