Posts Tagged ‘ Canadian provincial premiers ’

Council of the Federation summer meeting 2013 .. award-winning wines, beers and cuisine prepared by students!

Jul 22nd, 2013 | By | Category: Canadian Provinces

It sometimes seems that little of real interest would happen in Canada without the first people who called themselves Canadians in Quebec. (This is also a good argument against real Quebec “separation,” for those Canadians outside Quebec who value interesting things.) To take just one current case in point, the first meeting of provincial premiers […]

Are McGuinty and Stelmach really the worst premiers in Canada and its provinces today?

Dec 18th, 2009 | By | Category: In Brief

Only people like Hitler, George Orwell said (more or less), never change their minds. And I am  now changing my mind about Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty’s current political prospects. My immediate motivation is the new Angus Reid approval ratings for Canadian provincial premiers. Based on surveys in the nine most populous provinces from November 23—29, […]