Posts Tagged ‘ EI Working Group ’

Barack Obama gets 73% approval rating … only in Canada

Aug 13th, 2009 | By | Category: In Brief

[UPDATED AUGUST 14]. As you nurse your gin and tonic on the dock, you may be getting inebriated enough to wonder about Canadian federal politics. Another “nationwide survey conducted by the Strategic Counsel for the Globe and Mail and CTV News [taken between July 29 and August 3, but released on August 11] found 34 […]

Two new polls on Canadian politics say .. no wonder John A. Macdonald was an alcoholic?

Jul 31st, 2009 | By | Category: In Brief

Two opinion polls made public on July 30 just point to continuing gridlock in Canadian federal politics: “A survey by Angus Reid Strategies for the Toronto Star shows the federal Liberals with 34 per cent support and the Conservatives with 33 per cent — a statistical dead heat … The NDP was at 16 per […]

No great expectations for EI working group in Ottawa

Jul 23rd, 2009 | By | Category: In Brief

OTTAWA. The still mysterious Employment Insurance Working Group is apparently meeting for the first time this afternoon. The rain is setting the right kind of  mood. You may or may not recall that this group was hastily nailed together last month to avoid a Canadian federal election this summer. If it comes up with some […]