Posts Tagged ‘ Governor General of Canada ’

Is new Liberal non-strategy working well enough (except for the monarchy)?

Jan 29th, 2020 | By | Category: In Brief

The most striking political thing I’ve heard lately came from a lady on the 39th floor of a downtown Toronto residential tower – over grapes, nuts and Perrier water, looking south out a big window on the naked city in all its current wonder. She follows Canadian federal politics with real interest, but without any […]

Getting real about Harry and Meghan in Canada 2020 (or is this really the future we want to go back to?)

Jan 18th, 2020 | By | Category: In Brief

From a Canadian point of view, it probably does make some kind of sense that, as the Queen has recently informed us, Harry and Meghan will be going through “a period of transition in which” they “will spend time in Canada and the UK.” As suggested by Philippe Lagassé, described in the New York Times […]

From liberal paradise of N California to Ontario under the Ford Nation (and the Governor General of Canada)

Sep 23rd, 2018 | By | Category: In Brief

The managing editor has suggested I apologize for taking so long to report back on our Toronto editorial group’s latest round of consultations with the technical staff, now in Mill Valley, California, just north of the Golden Gate Bridge. But as the sophisticated lady asks, who really cares? In any case we had a terrific […]

On the “speculative play King Charles III” in Toronto .. and the future of the British monarchy in Canada

Feb 13th, 2018 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

As an altogether confirmed Canadian republican (not at all the same as an American Republican of course, especially today), I ordinarily do my best to ignore the British monarchy. But two contemporary media events have slightly increased my interest in the subject. The first is Harry Windsor’s forthcoming marriage to the mixed-race (and unquestionably hot) […]

The polite fiction that the governor general is somehow “above politics” is what really lacks credibility today

Nov 8th, 2017 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

There seems at least some significant agreement within the Canadian federal punditocracy (which I admire a great deal) that our new former-astronaut Governor General Julie Payette badly blotted her copy book, when she gave spirited opening remarks at the recent 9th annual Canadian Science Policy Conference in Ottawa. I nonetheless feel driven to confess that […]

How about the Pontiac or Louis Riel Block? : global-village Canadiana (and North Americana) in the winter of 2017

Feb 22nd, 2017 | By | Category: In Brief

TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA ETC, Mid-to-late February 2017. RE : Steinmeier in Germany, Rosenbaum on Trump, Carlos Fraenkel on a mosque in Quebec City, and a footnote on changing the name of the Langevin Block in Ottawa to the Pontiac (or Louis Riel) Block. I first started pondering this quartet of obscure but deep political thoughts […]

Governor General and the People of Canada in new age of Justin Trudeau

Nov 14th, 2015 | By | Category: In Brief

We watched the TV coverage of various 2015 Remembrance Day ceremonies in the office lounge this past Wednesday. And there was general agreement that they were unusually crowded and poignant this year. Some attributed this to a greater sense of fragility about the struggles of the global village, that seems to be in the air […]

Governor General in very far north, Obama’s State of the Union, and the rainbow revolution in Sri Lanka

Jan 21st, 2015 | By | Category: In Brief

So what does the Governor General of Canada actually do again? A press release from this past Monday suggests at least one thing : “His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, is visiting Canadian Armed Forces members and civilians at Canadian Forces Station (CFS) Alert, Canada’s most northerly military […]

Quick and dirty thoughts on government shutdown caper in Excited States ..

Sep 30th, 2013 | By | Category: USA Today

If you are the kind of Canadian who avidly follows American politics from the safe distance of your TV set, you will know that another Armageddon is about to be unleashed in the Excited States. (Well, probably. Nothing will be dead certain until Tuesday.) For the mind-numbing details consult, eg, “As government shutdown nears, lawmakers […]

Happy 60th anniversary Mr. Massey .. and why aren’t more Canadian leaders like Leo Gerard in Canada today?

Feb 28th, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

FEBRUARY 28, 2012. Today marks the 60th anniversary of the swearing-in of Vincent Massey as “the first Canadian” Governor General of Canada. (“Until 1952, Governors General were British. The 1952 installation of Vincent Massey, the first Canadian to hold the office, reflected Canada’s new sense of autonomy and identity in the post-war era.”) In our […]