Posts Tagged ‘ Head of state in Canada ’

Sovereignty Smith in Wild Rose Country & Trudeau Liberals/Singh NDP (& what the people think after much-loved Queen)

Sep 8th, 2022 | By | Category: In Brief

ONTARIO TONITE. RANDALL WHITE, FERNWOOD PARK, TORONTO, THURS SEP 8, 2022. [UPDATED SEP 10]. As the new fall cultural season begins, I seem to be contemplating two confusing but nonetheless intriguing stories in the news of the day/week/month etc : (1) Lieut. Gov. Salma Lakhani & Danielle “Sovereignty” Smith in Wild Rose Country (and then […]

An anti-political mood descends across the land (or at least the part of it I live in)

Oct 20th, 2021 | By | Category: In Brief

SPECIAL FROM L. FRANK BUNTING, PANCAKE BAY, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2021. The deep northern autumn is setting in. Forecasts here call for a low of 0° C this coming Friday night (and early Saturday morning). I’m in one of my recurrent anti-political moods. I agree with the UK emeritus professor Malcolm Gaskill, who writes […]

Is the monarchy mystique really reviving in Canada .. or was Ricky Gervais just right about Kate and Kim?

Apr 30th, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

This past Friday Canada’s self-confessed national newspaper revealed that “Britain’s Prince William and his wife Catherine will be celebrating their first wedding anniversary on Sunday … Intolerable media intrusion was cited by many sources as the reason the couple broke up in 2007, but they soon got back together and married in a global ceremony […]