Posts Tagged ‘ Indian election 2024 ’

2024 Indian election : Modi wins third straight government but BJP’s Hindu nationalist brand has stumbled

Jun 12th, 2024 | By | Category: In Brief

COUNTERWEIGHTS EDITORS, GANATSEKWYAGON, ON, CANADA. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 2024. In our last Indian election report about a month ago we wrote : “As things still look to us, Modi almost certainly will win his third term as prime minister on June 4. His BJP might not be as strong in the Lok Sabha as it […]

Indian Election II : Is there any doubt Hindu nationalist BJP and allies can win landslide predicted by opinion polls?

May 15th, 2024 | By | Category: In Brief

COUNTERWEIGHTS EDITORS, GANATSEKWYAGON, ON, CANADA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2024. India’s vast election from April 19 to June 1 (with final results on Tuesday, June 4 — exactly three weeks from yesterday) continues to raise almost as many questions about the democratic global village in 2024 as the US election on Tuesday, November 5. The day […]

Indian Election I : Democracy in India could prove just as troubling as Democracy in America in 2024

Mar 26th, 2024 | By | Category: In Brief

COUNTERWEIGHTS EDITORS, GANATSEKWYAGON, ON, CANADA. TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 2024. We now know that : “General elections will be held in India from 19 April 2024 to 1 June 2024 to elect the 543 members of the 18th Lok Sabha. The elections will be held in seven phases and the results will be announced on 4 […]