Posts Tagged ‘ Jeet Heer ’

Is Trump impeachment inquiry yet another boogie-woogie rumble of the dream deferred?

Oct 4th, 2019 | By | Category: USA Today

My mind goes back and forth on the impeachment inquiry now launched at last by the Democratic majority in the US House of Representatives (through House Speaker Nancy Pelosi). Two recent opinion pieces within a few days of each other, by the Toronto Globe and Mail’s current man in Washington, DC, Lawrence Martin, almost summarize […]

Hello Hippie Chick : at least you could just move to the Canada that will (hopefully) re-elect Justin Trudeau on October 21?

Jul 20th, 2019 | By | Category: In Brief

What to make of the latest political craziness in the USA today (at least from where I live, north of the Great Lakes)? Here are four clusters of mid-summer 2019 intelligence, gleaned from the World Wide Web – and beyond : I. THE WISDOM OF GEORGE WILL : My shrewdest insider source from the hard […]