Posts Tagged ‘ Jonathan Manthorpe ’

Happy Canada Day 2018 : Electing the Governor General could make a lot of sense in the 21st century

Jul 1st, 2018 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

Meghan Markle and Harry Wales have now shown the world that the British monarchy does have some kind of modern future. (Though, somewhat intriguingly, what was once the website of “The British Monarchy” nowadays just calls itself “The home of the Royal Family.”) Meanwhile, back in the most northerly North American UN member state, Canada […]

Victoria Toronto – tales of two Canadian provincial elections, maybe

Apr 29th, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

There is a side to Ontario, you might say, that channels Nova Scotia. Another side channels Quebec (the “sister province,” as Bill Davis liked to put it), and another side channels Alberta. Still another side channels beautiful British Columbia. And this side may have the strongest implications for the Canadian future right now. In any […]