Posts Tagged ‘ Maryam Monsef ’

Electoral reform in Canada 2017 : a relic of the 4½ months in 2015 when New Democrats looked like winners?

Jan 31st, 2017 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

CW EDITORS NOTE : Nous adressons nos plus sincères condoléances à tous ceux qui ont été touchés par l’épouvantable tuerie mortelle d’une mosquée de Québec, dimanche dernier. Nous appuyons les propos du premier ministre Trudeau sur ce méprisable acte de terreur contre le Canada et tous les Canadiens. Et nous accueillons chaleureusement ses rassurances auprès […]

Struggles in US and UK .. electoral reform in Canada .. and the hopeful island of blue in the red state of Texas

Jul 13th, 2016 | By | Category: In Brief

GANATSEKWYAGON, ON.  JULY 13, 2016. Rachel Maddow, back from her (unexplained?) absence last week, was showing some footage of a vigil for slain police officers in Dallas Monday night. In the morning a piece on the CNN website had mourned “A tragic first week of July.” (Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge ; Philando Castile in […]

Justin Trudeau is more like Bill Clinton than Ronald Reagan .. see “electoral reform” (and Nathan Cullen too)

Dec 22nd, 2015 | By | Category: In Brief

As the poignant year 2015 draws to a close. Justin Trudeau has only been Prime Minister of Canada for, oh say a month and a half or so – since this past November 4. But we seem to have seen and heard a lot from him already. Craig Oliver at CTV News recently suggested Prime […]