Posts Tagged ‘ Mill Valley CA ’

From liberal paradise of N California to Ontario under the Ford Nation (and the Governor General of Canada)

Sep 23rd, 2018 | By | Category: In Brief

The managing editor has suggested I apologize for taking so long to report back on our Toronto editorial group’s latest round of consultations with the technical staff, now in Mill Valley, California, just north of the Golden Gate Bridge. But as the sophisticated lady asks, who really cares? In any case we had a terrific […]

Center of Resistance in (especially Northern?) California has its own American progressive allure in spring 2017

May 5th, 2017 | By | Category: USA Today

Why am I not surprised that I am yet again stuck with drafting another counterweights editors travelogue  – this time visiting the technical support masters in the (especially Northern) California bear-flag republic? Among the key current alleged insights submitted : * ASIA IN AMERICA ON THE PACIFIC COAST. On the Atlantic coast the USA is […]