Posts Tagged ‘ NDP and Quebec ’

Rest in peace Jack Layton .. “Optimism is better than despair”

Aug 22nd, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

It was less than a month ago (Monday, July 25, 2011) that Jack Layton announced: “ I have a new, non-prostate cancer that will require further treatment … So, on the advice of my doctors, I am going to focus on treatment and recovery … I will therefore be taking a temporary leave of absence […]

7 steps to heaven in the Globe and Mail .. as the economy goes guess where?

Aug 5th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

It used to be the Canadian English language newspaper of record. It may be somewhat less than that now? But the current online version is still where a person like me looks first, laid back on the waterfront in a much-hated big city. And here’s what I seem to be getting, at the end of […]

New NDP interim leader Nycole Turmel’s Bloc past shouldn’t matter .. but in real world of Canada right now it probably does?

Aug 3rd, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

If Canada already were the country of the future it could be – and should eventually become – the news that federal NDP interim leader Nycole Turmel was until  recently also a member of the Bloc Québécois (and is apparently still on the books of the vaguely sovereigntist provincial party, Québec Solidaire) would not be […]

Quebec’s new man in Ottawa has a very big job .. and you do have to wonder – is he up to it?

May 30th, 2011 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

The 41st Parliament of Canada has not even held its first meeting quite yet. But already Jack Layton’s new Quebec-majority NDP official opposition is showing just how different it is from anything the federal New Democrats have ever known before. Former Ontario NDP leader Stephen Lewis, son of former federal leader David Lewis (silent partner […]