Posts Tagged ‘ Nova Scotia election 2013 ’

Liberals and New Democrats – what happened in Nova Scotia .. and what’s happening in Ontario ????

Oct 9th, 2013 | By | Category: Canadian Provinces

Opinion pollsters can take at least some pride in yesterday’s October 8 Nova Scotia election. Their polls had been suggesting a Liberal majority government for the past three weeks. And that’s what happened. (An Abacus Data survey with a last day of polling on October 6 even predicted the province-wide popular vote at 46% Liberal, […]

Is Canada really “sanest nation there is” .. take Liberals and NDP (in BC, Ontario, Nova Scotia, AND OTTAWA)?

Sep 26th, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

Those of us who vainly dream that the progressive mainstream in Canada is gearing up to reassert itself in the real world of politics have had a few bits of bad news lately. The brilliant Monty Python and Fawlty Towers graduate, John Cleese, keen to sell tickets to his “Last Chance to See Me Before […]

Just what is going on in the Nova Scotia election anyway?

Sep 13th, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

In theory the Nova Scotia provincial election this coming Tuesday, October 8 will be a test of the province’s first New Democrat government under Darrell Dexter. Dexter’s governing New Democrats were elected on June 9, 2009. By all traditional measures this was a massive breakthrough – the first ever NDP provincial government in Atlantic Canada, […]