Posts Tagged ‘ Ontario election 2018 ’

Our top 10 counterweights articles for that strange year 2018 (and happy new year to an even stranger 2019 ??)

Dec 31st, 2018 | By | Category: In Brief

At the end of this annual exercise for this (even unusually?) strange year we suddenly realize that our deepest recent preoccupations have been quite local – north of the North American Great Lakes, on the northwest shore of Lake Ontario. We may have been seeking refuge (albeit in vain) from the larger wild and crazy […]

Ontario election 2018, VI : Donald Trump clone inevitable after all north of North American Great Lakes

Jun 8th, 2018 | By | Category: Canadian Provinces

[UPDATED JUNE 10]. At somewhere around 3:00 AM the morning after, with 99.89 % of all polls reporting, the Doug Ford PCs have 76 seats (61.29% of the total) with 40.49% of the province-wide popular vote. Andrea Horwath’s NDP has 40 seats with 33.57% of the popular vote. Kathleen Wynne’s former governing Liberals have 7 […]

Ontario election 2018, V : Is it really “more volatile than the polls suggest”?

Jun 7th, 2018 | By | Category: In Brief

If you altogether accept the polls as the best guide to what will happen in Ontario election 2018, it seems clear enough that the Ford Nation Progressive Conservatives will indeed win a majority government at Queen’s Park on June 7. There are 124 seats in the Ontario legislature now, making 63 the minimum for a […]

Ontario election 2018, IV : Could unlikely Liberal blip at the end lead to bold experiment in challenging times?

Jun 3rd, 2018 | By | Category: In Brief

OLD STREETCAR SUBURBS. SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 2018. Yesterday was a beautiful sunny afternoon. At one point the sound of birds in the yard reminded me the world will still be beautiful, no matter what happens in the Ontario election on Thursday, June 7. And the announcement on TV  – in which an “emotional Kathleen Wynne […]

Ontario election 2018, III : Maybe it’s NOT turning into the Con vs. NDP struggle Stephen Harper dreamed of ????

May 25th, 2018 | By | Category: In Brief

UPDATE MAY 28, 12:30 AM ET –  INITIAL REACTION TO ONTARIO ELECTION, SUNDAY LEADERS’ DEBATE : Whatever else, on this kind of subject Twitter cuts closer to the bone (and thus more intriguingly) than the much-abused mainstream media. Everyone has their own tastes and convictions. Two tweets from justly eminent conservative journalist John Ibbitson – […]

Ontario election 2018, II : Is it turning into the Conservatives vs. New Democrats struggle Stephen Harper dreamed of ????

May 24th, 2018 | By | Category: In Brief

GANATSEKWYAGON, ON., MAY 24.  [UPDATED 1 PM ET]. According to CBC poll analyst Éric Grenier’s latest calculations, the rounded-off polling averages for Ontario election 2018 are now Ford Nation PCs 37%, Andrea Horwath New Democrats 36%, and Kathleen Wynne Liberals 21%. M. Grenier explains the future between now and the June 7 election day with […]

Ontario election 2018, I : On the apparent inevitability of the Donald Trump clone north of the North American Great Lakes

May 13th, 2018 | By | Category: In Brief

[UPDATED MAY 19]. I will still be voting for Kathleen Wynne in the Ontario election this coming Thursday, June 7, 2018.  (Or more exactly, for those less familiar with the system up here in We The North, I will be voting for her Liberal party candidate in the electoral district where I reside, on the […]

Off to Trump’s America again in .. just what is going on there anyway (& in good old ontariario too) ????

Apr 17th, 2018 | By | Category: In Brief

In some ways we cannot really say that almost all of us in the Toronto editorial office here will be headed for Trump’s America on April 18, 2018, for one of our regular conferences with our growing technical staff in northern California. California generally is not really in Trump’s America, of course,  and northern California […]

Does Doug Ford actually resemble old Dief the Chief in Canada, 1957—63, and not Donald Trump in USA today?

Apr 8th, 2018 | By | Category: In Brief

The other night on TV the eminent and excellent CBC News poll analyst Éric Grenier advised that, based on current polling data, the coming June 7 election in Canada’s most populous province is “Doug Ford’s to lose.” This has various people nervous, including us. However you look at it, the new provincial Progressive Conservative leader […]

Is it true only 7000 have so far signed up to vote in Ontario PC leadership race?

Feb 27th, 2018 | By | Category: In Brief

TORONTO. 27 FEBRUARY 2018, 5 AM ET. We won’t even start to be able to start placing (again ) former Ontario Progressive Conservative leader Patrick Brown in the largely unknown deep political history of Canada’s most populous province until we know the actual result of the provincial election, now just three months or so away, […]