Posts Tagged ‘ P.J. Fournier ’

If BC NDP can win a stable majority government to manage COVID-19,what about the Liberals in Ottawa?

Oct 25th, 2020 | By | Category: In Brief

UPDATED OCT 26. FROM THE COUNTERWEIGHTS EDITORS. TORONTO, OCT 25, 12:15 AM ET ; OCT 24, 9:15 PM PT : Surprise, surprise (not, of course). Despite the large volume of mail-in votes that will only be counted “a couple of weeks later,” both CBC and CTV have now projected an NDP majority government in today’s […]

2019 Canadian election log, V: How about back to the future of Pierre Trudeau’s second election in 1972 (again) ??

Oct 16th, 2019 | By | Category: In Brief

GANATSEKWYAGON, ON. WED, OCT 16, 2019. With the actual Canadian federal election now only four or five days away, it is hard to say anything altogether sensible about the ultimate result. Except that it does seem very close (in various respects) and impossible to predict. We’re finding ourselves thrown back on the amusement of no […]