Posts Tagged ‘ Philippe Couillard ’

In Quebec “drinking sometimes is not an option” : Is there any good in Andrew Potter’s snowstorm malaise?

Mar 28th, 2017 | By | Category: Canadian Provinces

[UPDATED APRIL 3 – DORIS DAY’S BIRTHDAY]. Someone has sent this issue to me for comment. I’m not quite sure why. I have never lived in Quebec myself. (I am, for better or worse, a born and raised Torontonian.) I do have a son who spent four years at McGill University in Montreal. And my […]

Is PQ turning into just another Saskatchewan Party .. clearly not .. Quebec not like others .. but .. ??

Oct 9th, 2016 | By | Category: Canadian Provinces

What a relief to escape, even for just one moment, from the latest crazy Trumpet playing of the “Yankee to the south of us” who “must south of us remain” – and into something allegedly more sensible, like the future of the Parti Québécois in Canada. The occasion is the election of Jean-François Lisée as […]

Pauline Marois in Paris .. and the three new wise men from Quebec in Ottawa and Quebec City

Oct 15th, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

Judging by the poll on the Globe and Mail site today, not very many Canadians outside Quebec are concerned that “France has re-instated its non-interference, non-indifference policy toward Quebec nationalism.” There may nonetheless be a few who are wondering what this report elsewhere on the Globe and Mail site means: “Premier Pauline Marois got what […]