Posts Tagged ‘ Quebec and Senate reform ’

Justin Trudeau is making a mistake on Senate reform ..??

Feb 13th, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

[UPDATED FEBRUARY 14, 16]. According to a Canadian Press report by the estimable Joan Bryden yesterday, Justin Trudeau has now come out as an opponent of any major democratic reform of the unreformed Senate of Canada. (The CP report appeared in at least two places on the net : ”Forget Senate reform and just appoint […]

PM Harper : Senate reform “much slower than I’d hoped, but … we’ll continue to push it forward”

Jul 20th, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

Somehow it seems right to be thinking about Senate reform in Canada in the dead of summer. Like almost everything else this time of year in the true north strong and free, it seems quite agreeable (to some of us at any rate) but not entirely serious. (It will not last, etc, etc.) What is […]

Why even Bert Brown’s new “Triple E” Senate reform plan for Canada still won’t work ..

Nov 4th, 2011 | By | Category: Canadian Provinces

It says a lot about the ongoing problems of Senate reform in Canada that the main source for news on the latest wrinkle in Bert Brown’s “Triple E” Senate concept is the Edmonton Journal. (And what we’re talking about here, I should make clear, is not PM Harper’s two “step by step” and non-constitutional reform […]

What if Canadian Senate reform also became a way of recognizing Québécois nation in a united Canada?

Jun 27th, 2011 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

Last Tuesday, June 21, 2011, the new Harper majority government’s Bill C7, the Senate Reform Act, had its first reading – not all that long, as it turned out, before the new 41st Parliament of Canada (following “the longest filibuster in Canadian history over back-to-work legislation”) – ran for the exits and the annual summer […]

Another miniature long-winded dissertation on why Canadian Senate reform remains crucial, despite all the arguments against it!

Jun 11th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

Senate reform has been in the Canadian news again this past week. And – even with the new Harper Conservative majority in the elected “lower house” of Parliament –  the sceptical bottom line is don’t hold your breath. Jeffrey Simpson concluded his latest shot in this dark forest with: “The Senate can’t be unilaterally abolished […]

One dim light in the dark forest of Canadian Senate reform .. at least Jean Charest’s Quebec is NOT “objecting to modernizing the Senate”?

Jun 1st, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

[UPDATED]. The Globe and Mail’s online poll on “Is the Conservative Party committed to reforming the Senate?” (38% Yes and 62% No, as of today) could be read as suggesting that only those who voted for Mr. Harper’s party on May 2 still believe in its public commitments on this front. Yet according to John […]

In the strange spring of Stephen Harper new voices of region are rising in the east .. true or false?

Apr 8th, 2010 | By | Category: In Brief

Ever since the 1980s the modern quest to at last reform The Unreformed Senate of Canada has had its main base in Western Canada (with a brief variation on the theme from Clyde Wells in Newfoundland, in the last days of the Meech Lake Accord). Now in minority PM  Harper’s strange spring of 2010, there […]