Posts Tagged ‘ Senate expense scandal in Canada ’

Rob Ford’s strange comedy has become a story about how Toronto is changing .. and maybe Canada too?

Nov 8th, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

The English actor Patrick Stewart on Jon Stewart’s Daily Show last night made the telling point that Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is some new kind of comedian. (At least that’s what I took him to say.) In a similar spirit I’d give a prize to Stephen Lautens’s tweet : “It’s easy – just tell Rob […]

Mayor Ford tells it like it is : “Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine” (and maybe the Mounties will exonerate Mike Duffy?)

Nov 5th, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

“I wonder what’s going to happen with Rob Ford today,” my wife said as we woke up this morning. Quite mistakenly, for the umpteenth time, I said I thought the whole thing would cool down for a bit. Then, watching cp24 TV while brushing my teeth, I saw Doug Ford (Rob’s big brother) ranting away […]

Is doing anything sensible with the Senate of Canada just a vain fantasy?

Jun 2nd, 2013 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

I have now collected 32 recent press articles on Senate reform in Canada, and the current senator expenses scandal in Ottawa. They start with “Canada PM calls for Senate reform amid expenses scandal” on Tuesday, May 21, 2013. They end on Friday, May 31 with : “Move to elected senate, says former Liberal leader … […]