Posts Tagged ‘ Senate reform in Canada ’

Tory Senator Bob Runciman .. a rare Ontario Senate reformer, alive and well in the Brockville Recorder

Feb 12th, 2014 | By | Category: In Brief

Late last spring Kathleen Wynne got into some trouble in some parts of her most populous province for such headlines as “Ontario’s Wynne wants to see Senate reformed” and/or “Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne wants to reform Senate, not abolish it.” At least on some accounts of the mind of Ontario, this does seem like what […]

Justin Trudeau’s Senate reform surprise .. is this a sign of the new/old kind of federal government he’d lead?

Jan 31st, 2014 | By | Category: In Brief

Justin “Trudeau’s Senate purge” – of all appointed Liberal senators from the Liberal parliamentary caucus – has been called “a tactical masterstroke,” a “bold move,” “a smart branding strategy,” and a “ push for a non-partisan Red Chamber.” My own assessment is that even the Globe and Mail editorial’s “One cheer for Mr. Trudeau’s Senate […]

“The Senate expense scandal continues to roar” in Canada .. but what does it mean ????

Oct 28th, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

Who really knows just what the current chapter of the Senate expense scandal in Ottawa means right now?  I would not in any way pretend that I do. At the same time, it is clear enough that the protests of Brazeau, Duffy, and Wallin in the Red Chamber over the past week of October 21—25 […]

Senate reform in Canada – “America’s most durable and .. most effective and important enemy of all”

Oct 25th, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

The news that “the Harper government’s most recent attempt at Senate reform has been declared unconstitutional” by the Quebec Court of Appeal ought to remind us that our Canadian history goes so much deeper than PM Harper’s beloved British monarchy. (Which is a good thing. According to a recent poll, “younger citizens – those aged […]

Forks in the road .. 2015 Canadian election race begins .. Old America crashes, Senate of Canada burns !

Oct 23rd, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

The “About” section at the top of the page explains that this site “was launched in the summer of 2004, in response to a dockside debate in the northern woods. The current counterweights editors are committed to carrying on for at least a full decade (until the summer of 2014, that is) – and possibly […]

Strengthening Canada starts with a head of state accountable to the Canadian people who pay taxes ..

Oct 16th, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

What a week! As we write the proroguing Harper government is scheduled to present an allegedly six-point throne speech at 5 PM ET. And it finally seems that there is serious hope for an at least temporary deal to end the almost unbelievable dysfunctional deadlock in Washington. Meanwhile, others at street level are working to […]

Council of the Federation summer meeting 2013 .. award-winning wines, beers and cuisine prepared by students!

Jul 22nd, 2013 | By | Category: Canadian Provinces

It sometimes seems that little of real interest would happen in Canada without the first people who called themselves Canadians in Quebec. (This is also a good argument against real Quebec “separation,” for those Canadians outside Quebec who value interesting things.) To take just one current case in point, the first meeting of provincial premiers […]

Is there any point in keeping an appointed Senate in Canada today?

Jun 9th, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

Dr. Dave Town from Orillia, Ontario offered an intriguing comment on my recent post about Senate reform,  “Is doing anything sensible with the Senate of Canada just a vain fantasy?” (And I believe he is the same person I have now intriguingly discovered on the “gossip-stew of the internet” : successful chiropractor by day, public-spirited  […]

Is doing anything sensible with the Senate of Canada just a vain fantasy?

Jun 2nd, 2013 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

I have now collected 32 recent press articles on Senate reform in Canada, and the current senator expenses scandal in Ottawa. They start with “Canada PM calls for Senate reform amid expenses scandal” on Tuesday, May 21, 2013. They end on Friday, May 31 with : “Move to elected senate, says former Liberal leader … […]

If American democracy is in trouble, so is democracy in Canada ..

Mar 30th, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

“Great Britain, the United States and Canada” is the title of a now 65-year-old essay by Harold Innis, Canada’s pioneering great economic historian (and the godfather of Marshall McLuhan). As winter at last gives way to spring north of the North American Great Lakes, a few vaguely parallel thoughts about our time today have been […]