Posts Tagged ‘ Stephen Harper’s Canada ’

Minerva’s owl spreads its wings on Stephen Harper’s last gasp of the British monarchy in Canada ..

Feb 18th, 2011 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

Once upon a time, the near-great economic historian Harold Innis began his 1947 “Minerva’s Owl” Presidential Address to the Royal Society of Canada with: “I have taken the title from that striking sentence of Hegel ‘Minerva’s owl begins its flight only in the gathering dusk…’” As much more recently explained by Lauren O’Nizzle, “a 20-something […]

Canada moves closer to George W. Bush’s USA .. joining the search for a new progressive alternative

Jan 25th, 2006 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

Even if you agree that the Canadian people in their collective wisdom made a shrewd and possibly  even cunning decision on January 23, from one end of the ideological spectrum there was also an inevitable sadness. Say whatever else you like, Canada has now lost its quiet distinction as one North American place where some version of the progressive cause […]