Posts Tagged ‘ Tim Uppal ’

Does anyone really care about the Harper government’s Supreme Court reference on Senate reform in Canada?

Feb 1st, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

[UPDATED FEBRUARY 2]. Unlike many of its other actions, the Harper government’s longstanding plans for what used to be known as step-by-step reform of the unreformed Senate of Canada have been broadly supported on this site since their beginnings, many, many moons ago. (For just a few recent cases in point, see “Three strikes and […]

Tim Uppal : new point man on Senate reform (or have old appointments already poisoned the well, etc, etc, etc)?

May 18th, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

[UPDATED MAY 19, 20]. There is at least a strong perception that Senate reform will be one of the key issues on the early agenda of the new Harper majority government in Ottawa. (See, eg: “New momentum for Senate reform” and “Then it will be on to Senate reform.”) In speculating about today’s much-touted federal […]