Posts Tagged ‘ US and Canada ’

If the USA really did go insane, what would happen to Canada?

Feb 24th, 2011 | By | Category: USA Today

One of world history’s future cunning passages might marvel at how the “fourth wave of democratization” in North Africa and the Middle East was ironically accompanied by a North American wave in the opposite direction. So you might think, at any rate, when you set the news that “Canadians fleeing strife-torn Libya …” (or more […]

Kudos to Vancouver and Western Canada (and Sid the Kid from Nova Scotia too) ..

Mar 1st, 2010 | By | Category: In Brief

At least something brief should be said about the Vancouver Winter Olympics 2010, now that they’re over. But just what is not altogether easy to figure out. The good news, however, is that, by and large, the news is good. (From our own Canadian point of view at any rate.) My favourite penultimate headline comes […]