Posts Tagged ‘ Voter turnout in Ontario ’

Is this the sound of a new long dynasty in Ontario politics settling in ????

Jun 13th, 2014 | By | Category: In Brief

In one way or another history will no doubt record that the Ontario general election of June 12, 2014 was a highly nuanced phenomenon. To start with, Kathleen Wynne’s Liberals have won a six-seat majority in the Legislative Assembly with a mere 39% of the province-wide popular vote [UPDATE JUNE 14 : a recount in […]

Ontario election 2014 : last minute polling notes, and meditations on the low voter turnout syndrome

Jun 11th, 2014 | By | Category: In Brief

The editors tell me this is the last posting on the (first?) Ontario election of 2014 that counterweights will publish before the actual vote tomorrow. So I have one or two housekeeping matters to attend to, before getting into my main subject of declining voter turnout in Ontario (and elsewhere in the free and democratic […]